Posts Tagged ‘nyc lunch’

She’s bringing the salad

December 1, 2011

Who made her the bringer of the salad? It looks like a fine salad and all, but I’m just saying.

But there’s free lemonade

June 27, 2011

Competition is fierce among delis, so they periodically throw in free items when you buy lunch. This place is maybe not the best, but I like lemonade, so I’d consider grabbing a sandwich there.

Lunch on view & a fresh red coat

May 12, 2011

The Fresh & Co. exhibit window delicately hides the diners’ feet, as though this might aesthetically clash with eating. Today, visitors are distracted by woman in a red coat and white stockings… is this spring? In the year 2011?

Like a carnival out there

April 19, 2011

The lights, the bright colors, the smell of fried food … all that’s missing is the sound of a carousel. (And the food smells like meat rather than popcorn and there are no games of chance and stuffed-animal prizes in sight.)