Posts Tagged ‘arts and crafts union sq’

Make your own poetry

November 26, 2012

String together some words and you have poetry, or an instant holiday gift. Visually, this was one of my favorite booths at the Union Square craft thing. It was like words floating in a big fishbowl.

Holidays at Union Square

November 24, 2012

Today was the day to support small businesses by choosing to shop with them over the big stores. The holiday crafts fair is going on at Union Square. As usual, there’s a lot to see, buy, and even eat.

Arts & crafts @ Union Square

November 30, 2011

The yearly crafts fair is on at Union Square. On the other side of the striped tent are dozens of merchants selling handmade objects and food, too. The stuff for sale is not 100% handmade, but it’s mostly not mass-produced, and to shop here is to support small (and tiny) businesses.